“The Lord has given you a vineyard: you will be fortunate if you make it fruitful. Rear those little plants for heaven”
“The Lord has given you a vineyard: you will be fortunate if you make it fruitful. Rear those little plants for heaven”
Intellectual Initiative Foundation (CIN U80903DL2020NPL372078)
Intellectual Initiative Foundation has come out with a concept of all-inclusive school by the name of Sidhhartha I.V. School at Khairthala, Teh-Ramgarh, Distt-Alwar, Rajasthan. It is a ‘dream-come-true’ for the area, where education has remained a least priority, leading to various socio-economic issues. The idea of all-inclusive school was welcomed by all the local residents, when they were contacted for their comments on the concept of this school. The underlying philosophy of the school will be “no- profit, no-loss”, as education is a noble profession and foundation stone of any country. The teacher will be expected to culture the value-based education environment, without any strings attached to performance of the students. The construction of west-wing block and boundary wall have been completed (floor area of 7000 sq. ft.) and work has been started on first floor. Grassing of the play-ground completed. Furniture has been procured and placed inside the class rooms. The order for kota stones has been placed. We are seeking your support to complete all these tasks. Recently, many trees were planted outside the school wall, as a part of our commitment for a eco- friendly campus with environmental protection and ecological conservation. Special drive for hand hygiene and mask usage is being promoted among the local population, which is widely appreciated by the people of the area. We expect everyone to support this initiative, which is inspired by Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam’s PURA (Providing Urban Amenities in Rural Areas). The work force of the society is committed to overall socio- psycho-educational-economic development of adjoining and neighbouring areas. Please contact Mr. Subhash Chandra for generous contributions to the Intellectual Initiative Foundation
Our Mission and Vision
SIVS School considers education a life long process which should have a strong foundation. The main motive of the school is to inspire the students for love for learning and a desire to succeed at every level of life professionally and personally. The school also aims at equipping the students with the intellectual and practical skills that are necessary to meet the challenges in the future. In Short, the mission of the SIVS School is “to open doors to intelligence and open minds” and prepare a strong foundation for the future of the nation.
About Us
SIVS School is a public service oriented non-profit organization . The mission of the school is to provide the right inputs to help the children grow up into caring, sharing, individual equipment to make the right choices in life and grow up to responsible citizen of the country.
Why Choose Our Institution?
Student Facilities
Bus, Sports, Laboratories, Study Areas and Common Spaces and Other Facilities.
Saftey & Security
Building security plays a big role in creating a safe environment where children can learn, play and grow
Smart Classes
The school has provided smart classes to incorporate innovative teaching methods.
Optimal School Timings to Suit students. No Fear of Unsupervised Internet & TV Access at Home, Urban & Safe Campus Design. Safe Campus Design.
Skilled Lecturers
Teaching is an essential part of education. Its special function is to impart knowledge, develop understanding and skills. It is usually associated with the imparting of 3 Rs- reading, writing, arithmetic. The teachers play a vital role in imparting knowledge to the learners.
Book Library & Store
The purpose of your school library is to help every member of your school community — students, staff, families — gain new knowledge, skills, and dispositions for learning and personal development that they will use throughout their lives